
Marketing 123's

Weekly content to help you become a better marketer.

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A Story About Stories

Read Time: 3 Minutes A life lesson from my Dad When I was 9 my Dad and I stopped at a Chick-fil-A in my hometown for lunch. He's a land surveyor, and there was a big project with a tight deadline coming up. So we'd spent all Saturday morning at the office as he chaotically tried to wrap this project up. I (not paying much attention) had a great morning playing on my Gameboy in the corner. While we weren't a poor family, we were not rolling in cash either. We counted money carefully. Going out...

Read Time: 2.5 Minutes New Year, Old Me? Marketing is one of the most distracting professions. There are always new platforms, new strategies, new opportunities, etc. It's so easy to get caught up chasing trends and whatever the "new thing" is. The problem is this causes marketing teams to make the wrong decisions while chasing shiny objects. The grass isn't greener. So as we go into 2024, this is your reminder that most businesses don't need to reinvent the wheel this year. Often if you have...

Read Time: 4 Minutes Storytelling ... it's a forgotten art. Almost everyone knows what storytelling is. They even say they believe in it. "Storytelling is the most effective way to market a company" "Marketers are storytellers" "Storytelling is the most authentic form of content" You've probably heard statements like this 1000x times, just like I have. The problem is most people don't know how to tell stories. Just like me. But, with thousands of hours in reading, podcasting, leading...

Read Time: 1.5 Minutes Content Is A Numbers Game There's a lot of advice out there on how to build a business out of organic content. Most of it is too tactical. Build an email list Start a YouTube series Build a blog Have a DM's strategy Optimize your profile Create the perfect link-in-bio While this advice can be great... it's lacking the fundamentals. The Fundamentals 99% of the time when I ask someone about their content strategy, they have an in-depth response. They walk me through their...

Most companies fail for the same reason. But yours won't.

Read Time: 1.5 Minutes Great Marketing Takes An Army Most companies (+50%) fail for the same reason. They lack the basic principles of Marketing and as a result, they lack core business principles. There are a few things you need if you want to have a chance at success: Vision Product-Market-Fit (PMF) Internal Belief Market Awareness Execution Ability Analysis & Reporting Ability Without all of these, you’re doomed. 42% of companies fail just from lacking PMF alone. 95% of companies have a...

Marketing 123's - Market For Revenue

Read Time: 3 Minutes Market for Revenue There's been a big push lately for marketers to spend less time hitting MQL (Marketing Qualified Lead) goals or to report on vanity numbers like traffic/engagements. This is most prevalent in the B2B space but applies across the board. This is a great movement, I don't believe there's a marketer out there that would argue that marketing with a focus on generating short-term or long-term revenue is a bad thing. But then the question is.. how did we get...

Read Time: 2 Minutes Authenticity vs AI We're living in a golden age of innovation, creativity, and human advancement. Yet at the same time, we're losing our authenticity. The bits that make us uniquely us. Opting instead to automate, scale, hyper-optimize, and mimic our way to success. It's the fallacy of AI advancement. Just because AI is making it easier than ever to scale content & creative-oriented professions- doesn't mean we always should. Let's talk about the war between AI and...

Read Time: 4 Minutes The Magic of MOPS No, not the kind you'd use to clean your kitchen. Marketing Operations (MOPS) is a function within a marketing team that enables it to perform at a high level. The relationship between marketing leadership & MOPS is essentially the same as a CEO to a COO. Marketers in this role often find themselves working on many diverse projects each with their own unique problems & solutions. Hence companies struggle with this function of marketing frequently. But...

Read Time: 2.5 Minutes What is a marketing campaign... really? Campaign is a word that's thrown around pretty loosely in the marketing world, but the definition is pretty vague. Depending on the strategy you follow and the systems you use, your definition will change. Quick examples: Advertising - campaigns are a set of creatives that you run in many formats Mailchimp - campaigns are individual emails you send to your contact base Blog - campaigns are clusters of content (or a specific style...

Predictability vs Unpredictability

Read Time: 2 Minutes Predictability vs Unpredictability Human nature loves both. Yet hates both. Two polar opposites (when used properly) create magical experiences for the consumer. Suprise vs expectation Reliable vs over-delivery New vs tried & true There's a lot of mixed signals in the marketing community about this topic. Whether you should create dynamic (viral) content or focus on educational proven content. Whether you should stick to a hard publishing schedule or publish sporadically...