Authenticity vs AI

Read Time: 2 Minutes

Authenticity vs AI

We're living in a golden age of innovation, creativity, and human advancement.

Yet at the same time, we're losing our authenticity.

The bits that make us uniquely us.

Opting instead to automate, scale, hyper-optimize, and mimic our way to success.

It's the fallacy of AI advancement.

Just because AI is making it easier than ever to scale content & creative-oriented professions- doesn't mean we always should.

Let's talk about the war between AI and authenticity.

What is AI doing to content?

It's never been easier to write an article, publish a report, build a course, or chronicle a book.

With 10-20 of your own words, you can create almost anything that language can fathom.

This is lowering the floor in professions like:

  • Social Media Marketing
  • Software Development
  • Influencers / Creators
  • Newsletter Writers
  • Book Publishing
  • News Coverage
  • Ghostwriting
  • Copywriting
  • Translating
  • Notation
  • SEO

What this means for Pro's:

  • More competition
  • Less quality work in the market
  • Everyone thinks they can do the job without you

What this means for Amateurs:

  • It's incredibly easy to get started
  • You'll think you're better than you are
  • Everyone thinks they can do the job without you

The rise in authenticity

More than ever people are seeking out real human connection.

We want to find ways to relate, identify with, and communicate with people who share our beliefs/personalities.

That's one of the reasons why video content has become the most beloved format.

It can't be faked (not easily anyway).

So when we're creating content we should be asking ourselves how we can peel back the layers and make things more raw.

Raw content = authentic

Off-the-cuff selfie camera videos, reactions to current events, live video/audio formatted content, weird text styling, personal stories, and strong opinions.

All of these things help you create content that resonates with people & builds trust/authenticity.

You don't want to be known for having the best-designed carousel template.

You want to be known for being the person you are, with the beliefs you have, and the experiences you've lived.

Don't be perfect, AI-optimized, or ideal for scale.

Just be you.

Thanks for reading this week's issue of Marketing 123's, I hope you've found it valuable.

If you did, I'd love to hear your feedback here: Leave a Testimonial

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