Pretty Vague

Read Time: 2.5 Minutes

What is a marketing campaign... really?

Campaign is a word that's thrown around pretty loosely in the marketing world, but the definition is pretty vague.

Depending on the strategy you follow and the systems you use, your definition will change.

Quick examples:

  • Advertising - campaigns are a set of creatives that you run in many formats
  • Mailchimp - campaigns are individual emails you send to your contact base
  • Blog - campaigns are clusters of content (or a specific style of content) that are repeated

So the question remains...

What is a campaign really?

Fun fact, it's none of the examples I gave above.

A campaign is a strategic process by which a company seeks to approach a sub-segment of the market for a period of time.

The process, sub-segment, and period of time are all variable.

They always change as the company gathers data & learns from past campaigns.

Marketing campaigns are the best way to build a brand, dominate a market, attract your ideal buyer, and ultimately build a company worth something.

Here's the simple process I've used to help companies launch company-defining campaigns.

The building blocks

To create a great campaign you need to first understand the building blocks that go into one.

These are the essential parts of a campaign that you can't live without:

  • POV
  • Problem
  • Solution
  • Branding
  • Analytics
  • Distribution
  • Demographic

Let's break it down.

POV - The unique angle/perspective that your company can bring to the conversation. Why are you worth listening to? Why are you interesting? Why are you different?

Problem - What pain is the prospect experiencing? Highlight it, show that you understand.

Solution - What's the solution to the pain? Why is it the solution? Make it obvious.

Branding - You need a recurring element. Something that people will remember.

Analytics - No campaign is forever. Measure it intensely so you can learn for the next one.

Distribution - The way in which you will get your message to the world. (Ads, Email, etc.)

Demographic - You are talking to one person, one small community. Who is it?

Let's put it all together

Alright, now that you've got the basics, let's piece it all together to create your next campaign.

Start with a statement like this:

CompanyName is uniquely placed to help Demographic with Problem, due to our unique POV and experience with Solution, we will approach them by marketing through Distribution with our key repeated message/imagery Branding. Our efforts will be measured by Analytics and the campaign will adapt over time to follow the behavior of Demographic.

This is your magic statement.

This will help you piece it all together.

Simply filling this out will give you enough creative direction to create campaigns like:

So stop reading this newsletter and go create something worth talking about.​

Thanks for reading this weeks issue of Marketing 123's, I hope you've found it valuable.

If you did, I'd love to hear your feedback here: Leave a Testimonial

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