Content is a Numbers Game

Read Time: 1.5 Minutes

Content Is A Numbers Game

There's a lot of advice out there on how to build a business out of organic content.

Most of it is too tactical.

  • Build an email list
  • Start a YouTube series
  • Build a blog
  • Have a DM's strategy
  • Optimize your profile
  • Create the perfect link-in-bio

While this advice can be great... it's lacking the fundamentals.

The Fundamentals

99% of the time when I ask someone about their content strategy, they have an in-depth response. They walk me through their content calendar, design templates, content types, etc...

It's exhaustive.

Then they don't understand why their content is only reaching a thousand people.

"Nobody likes!"

"Nobody comments!"

"It feels like I've been stuck at the same level all year."

There's one very simple answer, that no one wants to hear.


Content marketing is a game of volume & quality.

By far the most important is volume.

Volume = the quantity of content you're outputting in a period of time

Let's say you're trying to grow your blog:

Currently, you post 1/week.

What happens when you do 2/week?

You grow 2x faster.

What happens when you switch to 5/week?

You grow 5x faster.

Almost any content problem can be solved with volume.

"But Haydn, quality is important too, anyone can farm out bad content. Surely it won't do well without quality."

Sure. But how do you think you go from creating low-quality content, to high-quality?

Time and repetition.

The more you do it, the better it will be.

It's why pro athletes spend millions each year and thousands of hours training. To be the best, you have to put in the reps.


Don't expect to become the leader in your industry with a post/week.

Don't expect to build a million-dollar podcast with an episode/month.

Don't expect to become a social media influencer with an hour/day.

Don't expect to build inbound lead flow with 10 hours/week.

Don't expect to build a network with 20 DMs/month.

Don't expect to build a YouTube channel with a vid/week.

These things take time, investment, and reps.

But all good things do.

Thanks for reading this week's issue of Marketing 123's, I hope you've found it valuable.

If you did, I'd love to hear your feedback here: Leave a Testimonial

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