The Magic of MOPS

Read Time: 4 Minutes

The Magic of MOPS

No, not the kind you'd use to clean your kitchen.

Marketing Operations (MOPS) is a function within a marketing team that enables it to perform at a high level.

The relationship between marketing leadership & MOPS is essentially the same as a CEO to a COO.

Marketers in this role often find themselves working on many diverse projects each with their own unique problems & solutions. Hence companies struggle with this function of marketing frequently.

But even the best marketing teams crash and burn without MOPS.

Here's my quick 1-2-3 of what you need to know about marketing operations to make an immediate impact in any business (from experience working with 100+ companies cumulatively generating over $500M/yr)

Tech-Stack Terror

The marketing world is swamped with tech, especially since the rise of AI.

Mailchimp, Hubspot, Salesforce, ActiveCampaign, Calendly, Loom, ClickUp, Asana, Slack, Zoom, Google Analytics, WordPress, Wix, Typeform, Zapier, ChatGPT, Outreach, Semrush, Ahrefs, Sprout Social, Buffer, Loomly, Canva, Convertkit, and that's just the tip of the iceberg.

So knowing what tech you need (and don't) is getting more challenging every day.

The worst part of it all... integrations.

Many of these tools have built-in integrations so they can communicate with each other, but some don't.

Some offer custom APIs, but some don't.

Each tool has a unique set of supported integrations.

If you find that even one of your tools doesn't have a native integration with another, it can derail your ability to track data correctly, automate processes & tasks, or may even require a dedicated staff member just to manage that tool.

It's a massive headache.

But, that's where MOPS comes in.

A Marketing Operations specialist is an expert at putting together complex tech stacks, evaluating integrations, setting up and managing the tools' ability to communicate with each other, and ultimately creating a sustainable system that can scale with you.

This skill alone can save a business thousands (if not millions) of dollars over the years.


Probably the most discussed pain point that marketers experience is attribution.

Where did this lead come from?

Is our social content impacting revenue?

Is that blog post generating leads or just traffic?

All questions most marketers have heard before, but can rarely produce an accurate answer.

As I mentioned above, tech stacks are a nightmare.

99% of them are set up in silos, where data isn't flowing smoothly all the way through the funnel.

Making it incredibly difficult to track the buyer journey:

Social post > social ad > product page > google retargeting ad > blog post > newsletter subscription > email > email > email > google search for brand name > google search ad > purchase

How in the world can a marketer give a straight answer?

Most first-touch attribution software will say Social Ads while last-touch attribution software will say Google Ads.

And neither is entirely correct.

These are just two small steps involved in the process of converting the customer.

Enter MOPS again.

MOPS pros are experts at navigating data.

If they've set the tech stack up properly, then they'll be able to track data throughout all the systems fluidly. From impression all the way to revenue.

From there they can create detailed dashboards and reports + they can use the data for almost anything the company needs.

Without MOPS you'll likely end up reinvesting in the wrong activities and downsizing areas that were pulling a lot of weight.

Sales Alignment

The relationship between marketing & sales is stereotypically a rocky one.

Marketing blames sales for not closing the leads they send through.

Sales blames marketing for not sending good leads through.

It's an endless blame game.

But, a great MOPS pro can solve all of the tension.

Because (ultimately) we're all playing the same game.

How can we contribute as much as possible to the growth of the company?

MOPS ties together Sales feedback & data to the marketing campaigns.

They look at things like:

  • Meeting take rate
  • Meeting show rate
  • Pipeline volume trends
  • Average lead value
  • Lead close rate
  • Sales cycles
  • Lead LTV
  • ICP %

Along with 1000 other sales stats.

But most importantly they look at them through the marketing lens.

How does marketing data affect the sales data?

Things like:

  • Lead sources
  • Content types
  • Landing pages
  • Conversion rates
  • Content frequency

This activity (if done frequently) quickly adapts the behavior between sales & marketing to be a collaborative effort.

Where sales feedback is actually valuable to improving the marketing campaigns and marketing campaigns are actually generating quality leads for sales.

And that's The Magic of MOPS

Thanks for reading this week's issue of Marketing 123's, I hope you've found it valuable.

If you did, I'd love to hear your feedback here: Leave a Testimonial

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