Grow your site to 100K traffic/month ๐Ÿ“ˆ


Read Time: 3.5 Minutes

10K โ†’ 100K Site Traffic

Two weeks ago we talked about how to land your first 1K site trafficโ€‹

Then last week we talked about how to go from 1K โ†’ 10Kโ€‹

This is part 3 in my series on how to get more organic traffic for your website.

Today, let's look at a simple roadmap to get your site to 100K traffic per month.


All of the activities from the last two weeks still apply. You should continue all of those activities & simply add these on the top.

  • Backlink building
  • Trending content
  • Content updates

Keeping it simple, adding these 3 activities on top of your other actions will quickly scale your site from 10k โ†’ 100k.

Let's dive into the specifics of each.

Backlink Building

Backlink building is a common concept at this point.

If you do even a little research about how to improve your sites SEO, you'll hear about backlinks.

I believe too many websites focus on this early on.

If you have less than 10K traffic on your site, you have a content problem, not a link problem.

But, now that you're learning to scale from 10K โ†’ 100K, backlinks are extremely important.

Quick definition:

Backlink = A link from another website that goes to your website

Search engines recognize these links as signals that your page is reputable. The more you have the better.

It's not just about quantity though, the website that's linking matters. is going to have a much bigger impact that (sorry john).

The easiest way to get more backlinks:

Create link-worthy content.

Content that has unique information or statistics that isn't found anywhere else on the internet. This type of content attracts links like crazy.

Mainly because other sites reference to your data or resource in their own content.

Infographics in particular are notorious for attracting a ton of links.

Trending Content

Most new content marketers actually try to start here.

Which is the wrong choice.

You have to first build a base of content that establishes who you are, what you do, why you do it, and what makes you different.

But assuming you knocked that out somewhere in the 1K โ†’ 10K range...

Trending content can be a great way to stand out in your industry.

The truth is, most established businesses are slow.

Especially when it comes to content.

Everyone's always late to the party on trending topics.

By being one of the few in your industry that creates content on trending topics within days of the trend gives you a lot of authority.

These trending topics are usually much easier to rank for because of low competition.

Just make sure that the trend is actually relevant to your business or prospect in some way.

Content like this is what makes your prospects say "I see these guys everywhere"

Content Updates

This is probably the most overlooked aspect of content marketing.

You can't just create the "perfect" page and forget about it.

The truth is, whether your page ranks well or not... you need to update it.

I recommend updating pages at least once per year.

If they're ranking poorly, even quarterly updates.

Search engines acknowledge how old a page is, it naturally ranks worse over time.

Small updates to the page (even just a few sentences) can greatly increase the performance of a page.

Here's a few easy ways to update pages:

  • Update dates/years (ie. 2022 โ†’ 2023)
  • Update images or media
  • Add a section
  • Update statistics
  • Create a new intro
  • Change the name of the article
  • Add new internal links
  • Add/Change FAQs

You only need to do a couple of these for updates to be really effective.

I've had pages go from ranking 84 to 5 overnight after some simple updates like this.

Regularly update your content over time & you'll see all of your rankings improve consistently.

This is the easiest lever for growing from 10K โ†’ 100K


ps. if you want help with you SEO, I'm down to chat about it. Book 30 minutes with me for freeโ€‹


Thanks for reading this weeks issue of Marketing 123's, I hope you've found it valuable.
If you did, I'd love to hear your feedback here: Leave a Testimonial

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โ€‹Take your brand to new heights by working with me & the 2POINT team.

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