Land Your First 1K Site Traffic

Read Time: 3 Minutes

Land Your First 1K Site Traffic

I've worked with hundreds of brands that are trying to grow their organic traffic. Most of them are focusing on the wrong things.

These sites never get more than a few hundred traffic per month.

Over the next few weeks I'm going to be sharing strategies to grow your site based on 3 stages:

  • Your first 1K
  • Your first 10K
  • Your first 100K

​Today, let's look at a simple roadmap to get your site to 1K organic traffic per month

1. Identify a core problem you solve

Preferably your main value proposition.

Ask yourself questions like:

"Why is this valuable?"

"What makes our approach unique?"

"Why is this the best solution for the problem?"

"If someone wanted to solve this problem without us, what would they do?"

All of these questions will be invaluable for the next step.

2. Write a detailed “how to” article

Write out exactly how you solve the problem as a how-to article.

Be sure to research how other websites are answering this question.

A simple "how to X" search will give you the answer.

The existing top 3 ranking pages should educate you as to what you might want to include in your article.

Don't copy these sites. Just consider what they're doing as relevant since they're already being ranked well.

Aim for 1500-3000 words.

Make sure to include:

- Relevant data (linked sources)
- Organized & actionable lists
- Quotes from your team
- 5+ internal links
- Related FAQs
- 5+ images

This simple checklist will help you fill out a rich & diverse page that stands out from the competition.

3. Write 5 spin-off articles

These articles should focus on the same core problem.

Just approach it from a new angle.

- 10 reasons you need…
- Top companies that…
- Why you should…
- Top trends in…
- Best…

There are way more variations you could use but these are some commonly searched queries that are great to cover.

Doing this shows to your audience (and the algorithm) that you understand the problem/solution thoroughly.

(The more spin-off articles you have, the more authority you have on the topic)

4. Cross link everything

Every article should link to the others.

Build an interconnected web of links. Every page referring to the others. Together forming a full picture.

Page reputations & rankings are not independent.

Your pages can support each other. When you win a strong ranking for one page, it will boost the performance of others as well.

Internal linking creates more opportunities for net-growth.

Also slip in links to your service or product pages whenever relevant.

(This helps your service pages rank and gives you an opportunity to provide CTAs throughout your content)

5. Post content on social

Talk about the same problems on social.

Link back to your articles when it makes sense.

Each platform that you exist on outside of your site is another resource for boosting performance.

Links in your bio, links in comments, links in posts, links in DMs, pinned posts with links, etc.

All of these things are passive sources of site traffic that will naturally grow over time as you interact on the platforms.

Also consider platforms like Quora, Reddit, & forums as great sources for additional site traffic.

This stage of the process should take the most time.

Distribution is the most time consuming work. It's also a key differentiator between the websites that grow & the ones that do not.


You just made:

- Your first content pillar
- Your first content cluster
- Your first keyword rankings
- Your first qualified traffic drivers

This alone will get you to 1K

See you next week to talk 10K

Thanks for reading this weeks issue of Marketing 123's, I hope you've found it valuable.

If you did, I'd love to hear your feedback here: Leave a Testimonial

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