1K → 10K Site Traffic

Read Time: 2.5 Minutes

1K → 10K Site Traffic

​Last week we talked about how to land your first 1K site traffic

This is part 2 in my series on how to get more organic traffic for your website.

Today, let's look at a simple roadmap to get your site to 10K traffic per month.

Site Audit

Landing your first 1K is actually fairly easy.

You don't need to do a lot of planning or research.

But to land 10K, it's a different story.

You'll want to take some time early on to do a full site audit.

Here's what you should be looking at:

  • Internal Linking Profile
  • Current Keyword Rankings
  • Competitor Keyword Rankings
  • On-Page Formatting Opportunities
  • Ideal Keyword Targets (not currently ranked)

There's a laundry list of tools you can use to pull this data:

  • Ahrefs
  • Semrush
  • Moz
  • DashThis
  • SEOptimer

& way more.

If you want someone else to audit your site, my team can do it for you.

Audit My Site


Now that you have your Site Audit in hand, it's time to use that data to make a plan.

Here's where to start:

  • Identify 5-10 pages that rank page 2 and beyond for important keywords
  • Identify 15-20 keywords you don't rank for that you wish you did
  • Identify the 3 most important sales pages on your site

Now, let's make some changes.


With your 5-10 pages you'll want to:

  • Make content updates (1-2 new paragraphs will do)
  • Add internal links to at least 5 other relevant pages
  • At least one link to an important sales page
  • Make a social post or email and link to it

If you complete these 4 actions on each page you'll feel a noticeable impact within 2-3 weeks.

With your 15-20 keywords you'll want to:

  • Create a dedicated educational page for the keyword
  • Add stats, images, and graphs (at least 5)
  • As always, add at least 5 internal links
  • Post on social and link in an email

If you complete these 4 actions you'll have 15-20 new rankable assets that will have the opportunity to rank for dozens of important terms.

Some of my articles have ranked for 100+ keywords (talk about a traffic spike)

With your 3 sales pages you'll want to:

  • Make sure they're conversion optimized
  • Include rich content (video, animation, imagery, etc.)
  • Include an articles section toward the bottom, link relevant articles
  • Include a link to them on every relevant page on your site (go crazy)
  • Make sure the page targets a high-volume keyword that's core to your business

Ranking sales pages is harder than content.

But a well ranking sales page can be an incredible revenue source.

Once you have your sales page optimized, create content related to the page with internal links.

These content pages with links are what will ultimately drive your sales page up in rankings.

What's Next

Following this roadmap will get you to 10K in monthly traffic.

Tune in next week for the next level of SEO strategy.

10K → 100K

Thanks for reading this weeks issue of Marketing 123's, I hope you've found it valuable.

If you did, I'd love to hear your feedback here: Leave a Testimonial

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