Writing Un-Ignorable Copy (1/3)

This week's issue is proudly sponsored by 2POINT, more on them at the end.

Read Time: 3 Minutes

Writing Un-Ignorable Copy (1/3)

My copy has resulted in over $10M of inbound leads in the last 12 months.

It cost me 3 years of intense learning to write un-ignorable copy.

Copywriting seems so simple. Write words, make money.

Yet, most of us make the same simple mistakes.​

Here's a digestible list of my learnings:

  • Cut the fluff
  • Sell the vacation
  • Use hard numbers
  • Write to one person
  • Always imply urgency
  • Readability is required
  • Turn your words into art
  • Use the readers own words
  • Confront objections head on
  • Make matter-of-fact statements

Now before we go one by one and break these down. I want to stress that these concepts can be applied to any vertical of copywriting. (ads, landing pages, articles, social posts, etc.)

In any situation where you to need to "win" your audience, these lessons will serve you well.

Due to the sheer quantity of information to share, this will broken into 3 parts, read on for Part One.

Anyways, on to the breakdown.

Cut the fluff

When writing a first draft, we often feel the urge to dump everything on the page.

This is fine when you're still framing your ideas. But terrible if left unchecked.

Great copy is concise. Trimmed of fat.

Every word you use needs to be placed with care.

Here's a good example:

Okay: "Our chocolate is made from the best ingredients from around the world, it's one-of-a-kind taste will satisfy any craving"

Good: "Our chocolates one-of-a-kind taste and world renowned ingredients will satisfy any craving.

Un-Ignorable: "One-of-a-kind taste. High-quality ingredients. Chocolate to satisfy any craving."

Sell the vacation

Everyone is selling something.

Products, services, subscriptions, follows... you name it.

This is the lesson that took me the longest to master. Hopefully it won't take you as long.

When you're selling against competitors (most of us) your gut instinct is to tell your reader what makes you different. Pulling a list of features, benefits, examples, etc.

The truth is, most readers don't care about this stuff. At least not in the beginning.

What they want to hear is what their life looks like after taking the action you want them to.

Here's a good example:

Okay: "When you book with us we help you find the best prices for hotels & flights quickly."

Good: "Book with us for a white-glove travel experience."

Un-Ignorable: "Sand between your toes, a cool breeze, the warm sun. Just a click away."

Use hard numbers

Audiences are being overwhelmed with messages.

The flow of information seems to have no end.

This has led to razor sharp "BS Meters" helping us filter out all the, well... BS.

What this means for copywriters is that we need to prove ourselves to the reader.

We need to establish credibility & authority. Why are we worth listening to?

The easiest way to do this is by using hard numbers.

Here's a good example:

Okay: "I've built hundreds of computers, here's what you need to know to build your first."

Good: "I've built 347 computers, here's what you need to know to build your first."

Un-Ignorable: "I've built 347 computers, here's 7 things I wish someone told me the first time."

Tune in next week for more in Part 2

Thanks for reading this weeks issue of Marketing 123's, I hope you've found it valuable.

If you did, I'd love to hear your feedback here: Leave a Testimonial


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