
Read Time: 2.5 Minutes

Fishing Upstream

This email is about solving problems.

And the ways that problem-solving can lead to more business for you & the companies you work with.

As a marketer or entrepreneur, you're a natural problem solver.

The existence of your career is a testament to that.

You solve a handful of problems very well.

And ideally, you're paid well for it.

But, in the sea of humans on this planet, there are only a few who truly know what you do.

And even less who pay you for it.

So how do you attract more business & educate them on what you do?

By fishing upstream.

Upstream: closer to the source, earlier in the process, the point before the point you are at.

The idea here is pretty simple.

Solve problems that your ideal customer would have before they become your ideal customer.

Ex. Selling a job placement service

Create a resume template that a job seeker can use to instantly become more presentable and impressive to a hiring manager.

Content: Commoditized Value

The hardest area of marketing is creating worthwhile content.

Content that is educational, entertaining, and valuable to the business.

It's a hard trifecta to nail.

This is why agencies like 2POINT are in high demand.

What you should be aiming to do with content is to answer questions & solve problems that people have before they get to the point in their journey where they need your products or services.

Most companies focus on marketing to the 1% of people who are making a buying decision today.

While this has some merit for short-term revenue, it doesn't build a long-lasting inbound funnel.

Create content that educates, entertains, and ultimately moves people closer to being the type of person who needs what you sell.

If you're helping people become the type of person who buys from you... guess what?

They buy from you.

Lead Magnets: Productized Value

This is where things get fun.

First, a quick definition if you're unfamiliar with the term Lead Magnet.

A Lead Magnet is an asset that is provided to a person in exchange for a very small investment.

The magnet could be a:

  • Community
  • Video
  • Course
  • Template
  • Guide
  • Report
  • Book
  • Email campaign
  • One-time service
  • Audit

Or a lot of other things.

And the investment is often $0.

Simply providing information like name, email, or phone number.

The goal here is to provide incredible value to a specific type of person who you know will eventually become your ideal customer.

Doing so for $0 creates trust, respect, and most importantly reciprocity.

People want to give back to those that help them.

So someone you've helped in the past is much more likely to come to you for more help in the future & are often happy to pay more for it.

Warning: Most lead magnets suck. I've seen 1000s of lead magnets. Less than 50 were actually good.

The key to a great lead magnet is that it should hurt to create.

It should take you enough time, energy & money that it hurts.

That's how you know what you've created is actually good.

Anyone can ask Chat GPT to throw together an eBook in 10 minutes.

A great lead magnet is uniquely valuable & difficult to replicate.

That's what makes people hungry for it, grateful for it, and quick to recommend it to others.

Now get to work & start fishing upstream.

Thanks for reading this weeks issue of Marketing 123's, I hope you've found it valuable.

If you did, I'd love to hear your feedback here: Leave a Testimonial

Ready to take the next steps?

Take your brand to new heights by working with me & the 2POINT team.

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