The Iron Marketer

This week's issue is proudly sponsored by 2POINT, more on them at the end.

Read Time: 2.5 Minutes

The Iron Marketer

Marketing is a crazy field.

There's a monumental amount of uncertainty & expectation.

Marketers are expected to understand every detail of a business/brand + the customer.

Not only that, they're expected to generate leads & revenue that will support the entire organization. Talk about pressure...

In addition to that, we're entering an uncertain world.

Layoffs are widespread, a global recession is taking place.

Marketers are often put under a microscope during times like these.

To succeed as a Marketer, you have to be made of iron.

You have to be immovable in the face of stress & intense expectation.

But, how?

To Be or Not To Be

To be The Iron Marketer for your business you must have 3 things:

1. Unwavering Self-Belief

2. An Insatiable Hunger For Knowledge

3. A Risk-Takers Attitude ​

Let's break these down...

Unwavering Self-Belief

Imposter syndrome is real in this industry. 99% of us struggle with it.

Am I good enough?

Do I know what I'm talking about?

Is everyone else smarter than me?

My ideas are probably stupid... I should do what they're doing.

This way of thinking holds you back.

I know I know, it's not always a simple fix.

But, you should attack these thoughts head on.

The facts are:

  • Nobody knows your customer like you do
  • Nobody knows your business like you do
  • Nobody knows your data like you do
  • Nobody will do the work except you
  • You will be responsible for results

If you are unwilling to trust your own judgement, your marketing is doomed to fail.

Marketing is about leading the way in an organization & in a customers frame of mind.

If you're unwilling to do it your way, you're not The Iron Marketer.

An Insatiable Hunger For Knowledge

The best marketers I know consider themselves students.

Students of the game.

Constantly experimenting, reading, examining, questioning, researching.

Knowledge is the ultimate resource for The Iron Marketer.


  • Where are they?
  • Why are they there?
  • What do they want?
  • Who is my customer?
  • What's in it for them?
  • What can I give them?
  • How can I reach them?
  • What do they want to hear?
  • Why should they care about us?
  • How can I make their life better?

While self-belief is key, that doesn't mean we forgo the learning process.

Learning never ends for The Iron Marketer.

A Risk-Takers Attitude

Along with having self-belief, you must be willing to take risks.

Odds are, you've had some pretty crazy marketing ideas.

Something really unique for your industry.

For some reason, you never acted on it.

It usually comes down to being afraid of the risk.

Don't get me wrong, risk-management is important. Don't go jumping out of a plane without a parachute.

But when you have a creative idea, you have to explore it in full. Do your research, collect the data, assess the budget, mental model the whole way through.

Then, ask your peers for advice.

Solo-marketer? Ask me. Ask the community. Send some DMs on LinkedIn.

Validate your idea.

If all the boxes are checked & you still believe it will work.

Take. The. Chance.

Most marketers tow the line, aiming for some basic % increases every quarter.

The Iron Marketer transforms the business & paves the way in the industry.

Now, go be The Iron Marketer.

Thanks for reading this weeks issue of Marketing 123's, I hope you've found it valuable.

If you did, I'd love to hear your feedback here: Leave a Testimonial


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Get paid up to 20% commissions for referring new marketing or website clients to the agency or simply handle existing leads and clients in your territory.

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