The $1M Cold Email Recipe

Read Time: 3 Minutes

The $1M Cold Email Recipe

I’ve been writing cold emails for years.

In the beginning, they sucked.

They got barely any opens, most landed in spam, and literally, nobody clicked or replied.

Thankfully, I didn’t throw in the towel.

I studied the greats, failed along the way, and now I write emails that generate millions of dollars worth of leads yearly.

Truthfully, I was overcomplicating it in the beginning.

Keep reading to learn my recipe.

Step 1

This lesson is really about writing emails, not building lists.

That said, if you’re struggling to build a list, start with LinkedIn.

This Chrome extension makes it easy & free.

Step 2

Choose your software. Or not.

There are a lot of email marketing tools.

You can get a Cadillac like, start in the middle with Lemlist, or opt to cold email manually for free.

Study each and pick what’s right for your needs & budget.

Step 3

This is where the fun begins: time to write your subject line.

I have a few rules for every subject line.

  • Keep subject lines short
  • Keep subject lines mysterious
  • Personalize (if it makes sense)
  • Don’t try to be clever

The gut instinct for most people when they start sending cold emails is that they need to be exciting or descriptive to get opened.

It’s actually the opposite.

Here’s an example:

I’m sending an email to finance teams. (CFOs, accountants, etc.)

I want to tell them about my innovative new accounting software.

My subject lines:

“A better way to count.”

“(firstname)’s new accounting tool”

“Are you still using (competitor)?”

Simplicity gets opens.

These simple subject lines get over 80% open rates.

Step 4

You’ve got a rock-solid subject line & everyone is opening your email… now what?

Let’s write an email that gets results.

Again, I have some rules:

  • Get to the point
  • Always compliment
  • Don’t ask for anything
  • Don’t drop a calendar link

Look, the temptation to drop a Calendly link & say, “I would love to book 5 mins to chat” is real.

The problem is it’s easy for you but hard for them.

Nobody wants to book a meeting with a stranger instantly.

No matter how great your offer is.

You need to make their next action as frictionless as possible.

"Does this sound interesting?"

Simple, straight to the point, and the ask is EASY.

All the reader needs to do is reply with a yes/no.

Break the ice with a compliment, get to the point of why you’re emailing, and end with a simple question.

When you’re cold-emailing, all you want is an open & reply.

The sale happens way down the line.

Once you get one reply from a prospect, they’re in your funnel and are infinitely more likely to respond to more messages with stronger asks.

This exact framework gets 30-40% replies when targeted properly.

Step 5

Your cold email strategy can be amazing, but if your follow-through isn’t, then you’ll get nowhere.

Once you get replies, remember it’s important to tailor the conversation to each individual; no more automated sequences or templated emails.

Get personal, answer questions, and have a discussion.

When the moment is right, offer to do something for them for free.

I.e., offer to set up a free account for them to try some of the features. Or offer to audit their current process/system for free and offer insights.

The more you do for them, the more likely they will love your offer.

That's the $1M cold emailing recipe.

Want some help setting it up for yourself?

Send your cold email to

Set the subject line as "$1M Cold Email Recipe" & I'll reply with some feedback for free.

Thanks for reading this week's issue of Marketing 123's; I hope you've found it valuable.

If you did, I'd love to hear your feedback here: Leave a Testimonial

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