Obvious Answers

Read Time: 4 Minutes

Obvious Answers

Most marketing problems have obvious answers.

But, we like to think there is some 'magic pill' secret that we don't know.

We assume everyone else has it all figured out.

The real secret is that there are no secrets.

Creating growth in a company is about doing simple, repeatable activities better & at an increasing scale.

Let me break down how this concept applies to:

  • Increasing existing revenue
  • Generating more leads

Increasing Existing Revenue

How do I get more revenue out of my existing customer base...

Add more services? New features? Host exclusive events?

None of the above.

In reality, none of these things will make your clients spend more with you.

What your customers actually care about is if you're solving their problems.

If you provide great service (ie. they like you)

If you provide great results (ie. they are more successful with you)

They'll stick around & spend more money over time.

Customers that like you and make more money with you will ultimately keep spending more to make more.

Don't overcomplicate it.

Focus on the basics.

Generating More Leads

This is the ultimate time suck for most businesses.

They don't understand how to get leads for their business.

Wasting time with tactics that just don't work or they just aren't good at it.

There are a few simple ways to generate leads (and they all scale massively):

  • Stay top of mind
  • Give away free stuff
  • Connect at the perfect time

Here's how this works...

Staying top of mind

To stay on top of your prospect's mind they have to see you often.

You have to permeate everywhere.

Social media, email, podcasts, billboards, commercials, influencer partnerships.

This is how the largest companies in the world seem to be everywhere you look.

Coca-Cola, McDonalds, Nike, Starbucks, etc.

This isn't easy, and these brands do a really good job of appealing to the masses.

Here's how I do this effectively on a smaller scale.

  • Know your demographic (niche)
  • Know what they need (service)
  • Know where they live (online)

My demographic is marketers & founders at B2B service companies.

They need help generating more revenue for their company with digital marketing.

They live on social, email, and podcasts.

So I create as much content as I can for these platforms.

Daily social content, weekly newsletter, biweekly podcast.

All of these platforms are consistently growing larger audiences, helping me reach more & more people over time.

This gives me a compounding growth effect on my top-of-mind lead generation.

Give away free stuff

The best way to collect quality leads is to give them free stuff.

Whether they're registering for an event, downloading a file, or claiming a promotion...

You're collecting their email.

Emails are the most valuable marketing asset because it's a direct line to an individual.

It's easy to track intent, attract traffic to specific links, or just start a conversation.

The trick here is to make the 'free stuff' really good.

It needs to be perfect for your ideal customer & it should actually solve a problem they have.

Most ebooks, pdfs, and courses are junk.

Full of fluff and leaves your prospects with Google-able information.

If anything, this hurts your relationship with them.

Your free stuff should be:

  • On-topic
  • Actionable
  • Littered with useful data
  • Stuffed with real-world examples

If you do this right, you'll have a pool of people that love your work & will be far more likely to work with you the next time they have a problem you can solve.

Connect at the perfect time

This is going to veer into the sales world a bit.

Marketers should understand and be comfortable with the sales portion of a business.

If they're not they won't create tangible results with marketing that actually generates revenue.

So... how do you connect at the perfect time?

The truth is you can't.

But, I can't tell you how many conversations I've been in with leads that say 'I was just talking about doing this the other day' or 'your message couldn't have come at a better time'.

Why is that?


Most B2B companies have an outreach program.

Whether it's knocking on doors, cold calling, sending emails, or even LinkedIn DM's.

These are all great but few teams ever reach the scale they would need for serious growth.

The trick to doing great outreach is:

  • Having a narrowly defined audience
  • Having a personalized message
  • Sending at scale

Average email outreach campaign performance in 2023 is:

Open Rate: 17-28%

Click Rate: 2-3%

Yet at 2POINT our campaigns consistently break 50-60% open rates and 10%+ click rates.

Why is that?

Because for every campaign we run we have a narrowly defined audience & a personalized message.

We take our time crafting our email campaigns & it shows.

Once I have a message & demographic that I know is resonating, it's time to scale up.

5000 contacts? 10,000? 25,000? 50,000?

This can be scaled to almost any level & maintain performance.

Need more leads? Ramp up the contacts.

Full pipeline & need to hire more sales team? Keep the campaign steady.

It isn't as complicated as most businesses make it out to be.

When your offer is good, targeting is on point, and the copy is expertly written... leads come flying in.

Thanks for reading this week's issue of Marketing 123's, I hope you've found it valuable.

If you did, I'd love to hear your feedback here: Leave a Testimonial

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