Missing The Point

Read Time: 2 Minutes

Missing The Point

Marketing has become the go-to department for company growth.

It's become a cesspool of analytics, ROI measurement, impressions & clicks.

While that may "work" for some businesses.

You're missing the point.

The reason marketing became a career field in the first place.

The reason why great marketers are creative thinkers.


Experts in psychology & human behavior.

It's not so we can squeeze an extra 0.5% conversions out of a landing page.

Marketers Tell Stories

In 1500 BC, marketing was simply a logo.

A logo that signified ties to a certain merchant family or kingdom.

This served as a signal to strangers that a product, service, or place carried with it the reputation of the associated organization.

This, in it's most basic version, is the origin of marketing.

Suddenly goods & services were no longer items on a shelf, they were part of something bigger.

Strangers would buy one product over another purely because of the logo associated with it.

Even if the product was worse.

But here's the interesting part.

The logo itself carried no value.

The value was placed on the logo as a result of the actions & reputation of the organization it represented.

Reputation IS the value.

Reputation is the reason strangers would buy from one and not the other.

In 1500 BC, the only way reputation spreads is through stories. The experiences of one being passed on to the many.

This basic principle still rings true today.

Marketers need to tell a story to the public worth believing.

A story that they respect & align with.

A story that ultimately sways them to buy this over that.

Led Astray

Modern marketers have been led astray.

Many forming entirely new career paths in the digital age.

An arena where everything can be tracked & reported on.

Marketers spend more time looking at dashboards than they do speaking to customers.

Thanks to the rise in powerful marketing tools, businesses have naturally leaned further and further into relying on them.

A company without detailed analytics is viewed as inferior.

The problem this creates is that many modern marketers don't actually know the fundamentals of marketing. They simply know the tools.

The ultimate goal of a marketer is and will always be to tell stories.

You reading this right now might not remember the last time you drafted a customer journey.

You might not have reviewed your latest "brand guide" in over a year.

You might have 3 different marketing tools open on your computer right now.

The most important thing your marketing should do, is tell a story.

Who are you, what do you do, how do you do it, and why do you do it?

Tell. That. Story.

Thanks for reading this week's issue of Marketing 123's, I hope you've found it valuable.

If you did, I'd love to hear your feedback here: Leave a Testimonial

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