How to make better offers

Read Time: 2.5 Minutes

Make Better Offers

The most important part of your sales & marketing process is your offer.

But most companies think about this for 5 minutes, then move on.

"How can we call more leads?"

"How can we run better ads?"

"How can we make cooler designs?"

"How can we make more social posts?"

These are all great questions... for AFTER you've nailed down a great offer.

If you jump to these questions right away, you'll be running in circles.

So, let's talk about offers.

What Is An Offer?

An offer is a prewritten exchange of value.

In simple terms:

"I will give you this; you will give me that"

Let's look at two examples in practice:

Geico: Sign up for our insurance products & we'll save you 15% or more of the cost.

House Cleaning Service: Get your first cleaning free when you sign up for a monthly cleaning service.

Simple enough?

What Makes An Offer Good?

You can leverage 4 things when crafting an offer.

  • Price
  • Speed
  • Quality
  • Guarantees

Let's briefly talk about how to use each.


This is the most common point of leverage companies use when competing.

"How can we be more affordable than the competitors?"

While this is easy, it can be tough on the business.

Constantly pushing your prices down to beat the competition puts a crunch on your cash flow & profitability.

Use this lever sparingly or not at all.


This one is fun; not all businesses can provide it.

"How can we get our customers results faster?"

For products, maybe it's the delivery time? Or training on how to use it?

For services, it's performance. Can we get an ROI in less time?

If you can provide tangible benefits faster than your competitors, you have the grounds for a strong offer.


Probably the 2nd most used lever is quality.

"How can we make our product/service better?"

This is hard work.

You need to beat the competition by simply being better or doing more.

Sometimes, this can also cause a crunch on your cash flow & profitability.

So price accordingly.


Buying new things is scary, especially if it's expensive.

You're often faced with questions like...

"How do I know this will work?"

Guarantees are your best way around this problem.

What can you put in place that takes most or all of the risk out of the purchase?

If you're a "safer" choice than the competitors, you'll rake in business.

Combining It All

The art of creating a great offer is balancing all 4 of these levers.

  • Price (It's best to either be the cheapest or most expensive)
  • Speed (Deliver results as fast as possible)
  • Quality (Provide the best products/services in your niche)
  • Guarantees (Take the risk out of the equation, be the safest buy in your space)

Here's the offer I created for my newsletter:

Get real-world marketing processes & systems you can use to grow any business in your inbox every Saturday. You'll also get my Content Repurposing Playbook for free right away when you sign up.

Price: $0 (free newsletter)

Speed: instant delivery of playbook

Quality: real-world processes & systems

Guarantees: delivered every Saturday (free to unsub any time)

Thanks for reading this week's issue of Marketing 123's; I hope you've found it valuable.

If you did, I'd love to hear your feedback here: Leave a Testimonial

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