How To Create A Founder Brand

This week's issue is proudly sponsored by 2POINT, more on them at the end.

Read Time: 2.5 Minutes

How To Create A Founder Brand

​Everyone is talking about personal brands. Especially in the B2B world.

"Everyone should have a personal brand"

"Be an authority in your space"

"Share thought leadership content"

But, knowing what to say is often the biggest hurdle.

Especially for busy founders & executives.

How do you possibly find the time to figure it out??

Most simply throw their hands in the air and say "I don't have time"

And they miss out on all the upside...

Here's what you should do instead:

  • Focus on the business (ops, customer support, sales process)
  • Share the wins (new business, partnerships, hires)
  • Document the rest (challenges, ideas, learnings)

Still with me?

...let's dig into each.

Focus on the business

Most executives and founders completely switch gears when they start to think about marketing.

They start looking externally.

What are competitors doing? What brands do I like? How do I want to appear?

These are all the wrong places to start.

Instead of looking out, start looking in.

What is the day to day like? Who are the key players on the team? What challenges are you overcoming? (in the biz, not for customers)

These parts of your business are a treasure trove of interesting content opportunities.

Your customers don't just want to hear about your services, they want to hear about your business. How do you do what you do? What makes you special? How are you improving?

A great indicator of a industry leading company is their willingness to be open about what they're working on & how it's going.

Find the interesting conversations happening:

  • With your team
  • With your prospects
  • In your daily operations
  • With new & existing clients

Publicizing information not only shows confidence, but it also shows that your busy doing important work.

Your team & customers will love it.

Share the wins

This may seem obvious but many still neglect it.

Sharing the wins doesn't just mean.

"Look at this shiny award we won" or "We signed a big client"

It also means:

  • Sharing an exciting hire
  • Sharing new business partnerships
  • Sharing a case study (lead with strategy & tactics)
  • Sharing internal changes (dept. restructures, promotions, new systems/processes)

Being public about positive changes at your company get's your customers & prospects excited about working with you.

They associate your positive movement with their positive movement.

I mean, who wants to work with a brand that never improves?

Public showcases like this help you bring your community along for the ride.

Document the rest

Not every piece of content needs to be incredibly thought out or planned.

In fact, off-the-cuff content is often the most authentic & impactful.

Documenting means extracting the lessons from your work and sharing with others.

Did you have a bug in your software that sent the team into crisis mode?

A customer with a unique set of problems?

A hire that didn't work out?

A partnership that fell flat?

Talk about it.

  • What did you do?
  • How did the team handle it?
  • What did you learn?

These simple questions can help you craft a compelling story for your audience.

The best part. These stories are unique.

No competitor could share the same story as you, because it's yours.

The wrong way to create a founder brand is to do what everyone else is doing.

Focus on the business. Share the wins. Document the rest.

Thanks for reading this weeks issue of Marketing 123's, I hope you've found it valuable.

If you did, I'd love to hear your feedback here: Leave a Testimonial


2POINT, a premium managed digital agency founded in 2006, is looking for partners to help run new locations and markets.

Get paid up to 20% commissions for referring new marketing or website clients to the agency or simply handle existing leads and clients in your territory.

Email to explore further.

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