How To Build Your Email List From 0

Life Update:

You probably didn't notice, but I missed sending out a new issue last week.

If you're following me on LinkedIn you already know why, but in case you missed it...

I'm a DAD now!

My first baby girl Piper was born on December 8th so I was AFK for the weekend.

I'm happy to get back to beaming you marketing knowledge each week.

If you want to see some cute baby pics, here you go.

On to this weeks issue.

How to Build Your Email List From 0

Every marketer talks about how important it is to have an email list.

Your email list is your best source of existing & potential customers.

But, in the very beginning, it can seem impossible.

How do you build a valuable email list when you have to start from scratch?

A quick aside:

I've helped build email lists for multiple 7 & 8 figure brands + I'm now building my own.

Yet I don't consider myself an expert by any means.

I'm a student of the craft & just sharing what I've found has worked best for me.


If you want people to give you their email, you have to give them a good reason.

Our inboxes are full of nonsense.

It gets worse every single day.

Be the diamond in the rough, provide far more value than you take.

Here are some examples:

  • A promotion or discount
  • A gift or giveaway
  • A free resource
  • A email course
  • A newsletter

The important thing to remember is that it has to be valuable.

Don't create something as a gimmick.

Don't create something with Google-able information.

Make it unique, valuable, and interesting.

Your audience will throw their email at you.


An important part of email list growth that is often overlooked is retention.

Retention is the concept of keeping your list subscribers forever.

If you don't continue to provide a subscriber value, they'll leave.

Send your subscribers fresh content regularly:

  • Weekly newsletter?
  • Podcast episodes?
  • New resources you've created?
  • Opportunities for your readers?
  • Something valuable you've learned?

This could come in a lot of forms.

But doing nothing is the worst thing you can do.


No, I don't mean Facebook ads or Google ads.

I don't mean paid ads at all.

I'm talking about the simple concept of mentioning your list & resources.

You should be advertising as often as possible and with purpose.

Here are some examples:

  • Link it on your social profiles
  • Mention it in DM conversations
  • Add a link in the first comment of your social posts
  • Add forms to your landing pages or website
  • Mention it at events
  • Advertise it on podcasts as a guest

There's infinite ways to do it.

Do it with purpose, be clear on why someone should subscribe, and do it often.

If you're not advertising your list, you definitely won't grow.


Getting referrals for your email list is easier said than done.

Your subscribers have to really enjoy you + your content + your resources, if they're ever going to recommend it to other people.

That's why the first 3 sections are all critical to making referrals possible.

In reality, nobody recommends an email list.

They recommend your Incentive.

And they'll only do that, if you have great Retention.

And new users will only be able to find you if you're Advertising.

You see, it all feeds into itself.

Create great incentives, keep providing value consistently, advertise often, and your subscribers will HELP YOU grow your list.

Keep reading for this weeks Viral Campaigns & Copywriting Tips

Viral Campaigns

​1. World of Warcraft pulling out the big guns for their new expansion. Link

2. Alright Heinz, you got me with this one. Link

Copywriting Tips

1. Think about the benefits of what you're communicating, and then go a level or 2 deeper to get to the real reason why someone would care.

- James Gerber

2. Write copy that evokes emotion... positive or negative. Emotion drives action.

3. Your copy should have less to do with what you do and more to do with what the reader receives.


NO: "World-class productivity software"

YES: "Save 10,000 hours/year"

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