High-Performance Dark Social Content

This week's issue is proudly sponsored by 2POINT, more on them at the end.

Read Time: 3.5 Minutes

High-Performance Dark Social​

It seems like everyone is talking about dark social this month.

So I thought it fitting for me to add my experience to the pool & share some insights from others you may have missed.

A lot of the content from todays issue is pulled from conversations had with:

Let's dig in...

What is Dark Social

For those of you who don't already know, the concept of dark social comes from the inability to attribute prospect actions as they happen on social media.


A prospect gets a DM from their best friend that mentions your post > they like the post > they check out your company page > they google your company > they become a customer

Most attribution tools that marketers use would see this as a Google Search sourced lead.

ie. the data is WRONG, which leads marketers to make the WRONG decisions.

Chris Walker's Refine Labs found that 87% of their Google Search attribution data was wrong.

The far majority of their inbound leads actually came from Dark Social.

What can we do about it?

To be honest, not a lot.

The exercise of trying to attribute this sort of complex customer journey is near impossible.

Even if you can achieve it, it's an incredible time sink.

Instead, I suggest giving your inbound leads the option to self-attribute with a "how did you hear about us?" field on your forms.

Aside from this step, accept that your data won't be perfect.

Marketing isn't just about looking at spreadsheets and being "data-driven".

Yes, data has it's time & place.

However the best marketing often comes from a feeling.

Consider what your prospect is most likely to engage with, be curious about, and take action on.

That's what you should focus your marketing on, data or not.

Don't let the Dark Social scare you away from being a good marketer.

So how do you create high-performance content for Dark Social?

It's way easier than you think.

  1. Create natively for the platform
  2. Keep users within the platform
  3. Provide value to the user

That's it. But, let's break that down.

Create natively for the platform

Repurposing content has become incredibly common.

I use it in all of my work.

But when repurposing it's important to consider native platform norms.


TikTok video content works on TikTok, YouTube, and sometimes LinkedIn.

But sizing and video lengths may vary.

It's important to consider how each platform treats content differently.

Another Ex.

Twitter threads perform really well, but if you take that to LinkedIn or Instagram, it may perform better as a carousel. Same content > new native formatting.

Always create natively for the platform you're on to get the best performance.

Keep users within the platform

The urge to pull users off of social & onto your website is strong.

I mean, that's where you have all of the tracking data.

That's where you can truly measure every action.

But, if you want the best performance, this is not the right approach.

Social media platforms don't like it when you direct users away from them.

To be fair, they make money by keeping users engaged in the feed & showing them ads.

If you hurt their ability to do that, they'll hurt your ability to reach a wide audience.

So to get the best performance out of your content, don't link. Resist the urge!

Your content will perform far better.

Plus, the people who want to find your products/services can still find all of that on your profile.

If they want it, they'll find it.

Provide value to the user

Everyone says you need to "provide value" for a reason.

It's the only way people will engage with your content & remember your name.

I dedicate 10+ hours per week to provide my audience value.

Not just creating content, but researching, reading, engaging, networking, etc.

It's a lot of work.

But it's ultimately worth it.

Here are a few recent resources I've shared that will help you provide value:

If you use these tactics to empower your Dark Social content not only will your content be thriving on social, but you'll be generating far more qualified leads for your business.

It's 2023, Dark Social isn't going anywhere.

It's time to embrace what you can't trace.

Thanks for reading this weeks issue of Marketing 123's, I hope you've found it valuable.

If you did, I'd love to hear your feedback here: Leave a Testimonial


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Get paid up to 20% commissions for referring new marketing or website clients to the agency or simply handle existing leads and clients in your territory.

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