Finding Your Tribe

This week's issue is proudly sponsored by 2POINT, more on them at the end.

Read Time: 2.5 Minutes

First of all, I want to give a big welcome to the 147 new readers that have joined since last weeks issue.

Many of you have joined the waitlist for my new course Systematize Your Content Process. This has been months in the making & I'm excited to get it out to you soon.

Keep an eye on your inbox for a launch day announcement!

Finding Your Tribe

You may have heard this phrase before.

"Find your tribe."

Or maybe similarly...

"Find your niche."

But, what does that actually mean from a practical standpoint?

How can you find your tribe and more importantly, why should you?

What does that actually mean?

At it's core, finding your tribe means you're connecting with like-minded people.

People with shared interests to you or your business.

Maybe you share a love for baseball? Or maybe movies? Or food?

Even more powerful, maybe you share a common enemy.

Mind-numbing spreadsheets, boring presentations, a crowded calendar.

All excellent examples of problems your "tribe" might identify with.

Why does it matter?

Nobody knows you better than you right?

Well you might be surprised.

Everyone share's a common love or enemy.

Meaning you can find people & organizations that resonate with your experiences.

For example...

I've built my newsletter from the ground up. I've tried a lot of things to grow.

Most things didn't work.

For someone building a newsletter from scratch right now, my experiences & stories would likely resonate deeply with them.

Like finding a kindred spirit.

This is a perfect example of a tribe.

Tribes create shared experiences, trust, relationships, and ultimately action.

In marketing, this is the whole package.

So how do I find my tribe?

Your tribe is all around you.

And, the truth is, you have a lot of tribes.

Let me breakout my tribes so you can start to see your own.

It all starts with interests & characteristics:

  • Marketing
  • Writing
  • Branding
  • Business
  • Video Games
  • Movies
  • Marvel
  • Coffee
  • Investing
  • Productivity
  • Personal Development

Ok, so this is quite a diverse list.

My tribes are a combination or a single one of these.

The more overlap I have with someone, the deeper the relationship could go.

For example...

I've got a buddy that loves Video Games, Marvel, Movies, and Business.

But, he misses most of the other categories.

When I say "misses" I mean, isn't highly interested in them.

We have a great relationship, but only talk about those topics.

If I veer off into Marketing topics, the conversation gets dull... fast.

The lesson here is to identify your tribes. Speak to them often & stay on topic.

This is the essence of marketing.

One last real-world example to leave you with...


If you don't know, HubSpot is a massive marketing brand that touches almost all areas of marketing with their resources & tools.

Their tribe is marketers... right?

See it actually goes further than that.

Their tribes are:

  • Social Media Marketers
  • Small Business Owners
  • Marketing Strategists
  • Newsletter Writers
  • Email Marketers
  • Web Developers
  • Data Scientists
  • Copywriters
  • Sales Teams
  • Blog Writers
  • Ad Managers
  • Media Buyers
  • Engineers
  • CEOs

& many more

They create content for each of these tribes.

They speak to each and every one.

Not as a group, as an individual.

It's one of the reasons they've become a monolith in the industry.

Find your tribes. Speak to them. Watch what happens.

Thanks for reading this weeks issue of Marketing 123's, I hope you've found it valuable.

If you did, I'd love to hear your feedback here: Leave a Testimonial


2POINT, a premium managed digital agency founded in 2006, is looking for partners to help run new locations and markets.

Get paid up to 20% commissions for referring new marketing or website clients to the agency or simply handle existing leads and clients in your territory.

Email to explore further.

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