Brand Building For Dummies

Brand Building For Dummies

Building a brand is hard.

Especially when you're starting from scratch.

A lot of marketers really struggle with true branding.

Brand building is not about:

  • Colors
  • Buzz Words
  • Design Elements
  • Flashy Advertising

It can be easy to get way off track when you're balancing:

  1. Building something meaningful
  2. Hitting performance goals

These two often cause conflict & #2 tends to win out.

Well, not today!

I'm going to briefly share with you the 3 questions that I personally guarantee will help you build a meaningful brand.




Start with "Why?"

If you haven't heard Simon Sinek's Ted Talk from 2014 you're truly missing a gem.

I first heard this speech when I was a teen; I didn't realize at the time how impactful it would be for me, but I find myself regularly reflecting back to it when building brands.

It's so great, I encourage you to pause your reading here and go listen to it.

If you don't have the time right now, save this and listen to it later.

The basic principle is that for your brand to reflect something meaningful, you have to start with your Why.

- Why do you do what you do?

- Why do you exist?

- Why do you get out of bed every morning?

Let me give you an example.

I write this newsletter because I'm in love with marketing. It's practically consumed my life. I think about it constantly, I dream about it, I am constantly observing it in the world around me.

I strive to be the best at my craft. This newsletter is a natural outlet for me to express that passion & to share it with you, a member of my community.

My Why is to literally be the best marketer on the face of the earth.

Your Why should lead from the front. It's the championed message in your ads, on your web pages, on your social profiles.

Everyone creates good products or offers useful services.

But only you can champion your Why, it comes from within.

You don't want to sell products or services to everyone, you want to sell ANYTHING to those who believe in your why.

Apple is a wonderful example.

They're a computer company like any other, yet they've grown to be one of the largest companies on the planet.

It's not because they "have the best products".

It's because their Why is so well received that they can sell:

  • TV's
  • Phones
  • Watches
  • Tablets
  • Headphones
  • Computers
  • Subscriptions
  • Media
  • Accessories
  • & so much more.

They can never be the best in all these categories.

But after leading with Why for over 30 years, they've built a monolithic brand with diehard fans.

Follow with "How?"

Once you've made it clear Why you do what you do.

It's important to communicate How you do it.

This is also known as your:

  • Value Proposition
  • Key Differentiator
  • Secret Sauce

What makes you stand out from competitors offering the same products or service?

Is it:

  • Faster Service Times?
  • Better Quality Products?
  • Affordability In A Expensive Category?
  • Premium Service In A Cheap Category?

Whatever it is, remember that this should never come before your Why.

We're building a brand to create loyalty. You won't get that from your How.

It starts from Why.

End with "What?"

You probably know where this is going.

What is what you do.

- Apple? Makes computers & phones.

- Me? Writes a newsletter & hosts a podcast.

- Starbucks? Sells coffee & snacks.

Your What is a necessary evil.

It doesn't build your brand, it doesn't sell for you, it doesn't differentiate you.

Your What is simply the vehicle you've chosen to deliver your Why.

To build a massive brand you can never forget this.

Keep reading for this weeks Viral Campaigns & Copywriting Tips

Viral Campaigns

This Chipotle ad perfectly encapsulates leading with Why. Link

Apple's latest ad is a milestone for disability representation. Link

Copywriting Tips

1. Struggling to write great copy? Find a playlist that get's your blood pumping. Here's a favorite of mine.

2. Staring at a blank page? Cut out the distractions. Find somewhere quiet. Getting in the zone is inevitable.

3. Break all the rules. Writing outside the box copy excites your reader. Whaaaaaaat?? Yep, seriously.

Ready to take the next steps?

Work 1:1 with me to build a content system for quick & easy growth.

Promote your brand/business by sponsoring an issue of this newsletter.

Some links in this email are affiliate links that directly support me

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